
Dentistry Faculty and Bien-Air Sign Collaboration Agreement

On Thursday, 7 November 2013, the UIC Faculty of Dentistry signed a collaboration agreement with the dental care company Bien-Air.

Through this agreement, Bien-Air will supply the UIC with two units of the ICHIROPRO implantology system for treatment, teaching and research purposes. In addition, the company and the UIC will provide continuing education in the field of oral health and will collaborate on research projects.

Present at the signing of the agreement were Dr. Lluís Giner, the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry; Joan Vidal, the General Manager of the Faculty of Dentistry and the University Dental Clinic (CUO); Dr. Rufino Bueno, the Director of the CUO; and Susana Saus, the Head of the Research and Industry Relations Service. Josep M. Munté, the Regional Director for Southern Europe, and Mario Jordán, the Head of Sales in Spain and Portugal, attended in representation of Bien-Air.