
The department of periodontology received five awards at the 2018 SEPA conference held in Seville

Projects by Jacopo Candiago, Iñigo Gastaminaza, Giuseppe Mainas and Jesús Muñoz, Master’s degree in Periodontology students, and Alfonso Gil, a Periodontology doctoral student from the Faculty of Dentistry, all received awards at the most recent edition of the SEPA conference.

Professors, lecturers and students from the area of Periodontology, coordinated by Dr José Nart, presented various projects and papers at the 59th edition of the annual conference organised by SEPA (the Spanish Society for Periodontology and Osseointegration). During the closing session of the conference, which is an important event for the professional community in the field of periodontology and oral health, the names of the winners in the six award categories were announced. The categories were: best oral hygiene poster, clinical poster and research poster, oral clinic paper, oral research paper presentation and presentation in video format. 
Dr Nart’s team received five awards, in fact the Spanish teaching and research group was the one that received the most awards this year. The projects presented focused on the treatment of advanced or severe periodontitis, maintaining teeth that had been considered lost, the health of dental implants, avoiding bone loss in the surrounding area, and two new techniques, auto-transplantation and corticotomies or small incisions in the gum and bone to accelerate orthodontic treatment.  
1st Prize for Oral Clinical Communication 
Auto-transplantation of open apex teeth: 3D printing to increase chances of success.  Authors: Jesús Muñoz, Ernest Lucas, Cristina Vallès, Matteo Albertini, Federico Hernández-Alfaro, and José Nart.
1st Prize for Clinical Poster 
From irrational to rational. Interdisciplinary periodontal treatment on hopeless teeth. Authors: Giuseppe Mainas, Teresa Garcés, Marta Peña, Pedro Diz, Andrés Pascual, Cristina Vallès, Matteo Albertini and José Nart.
Finalist in the Video Category
Corticotomía mínimamente invasiva con tratamientos de ortodoncia en expansión maxilar. A propósito de un caso. Authors: Jacopo Candiago, Manuel Cabeza, Javier Mora, Vanessa Ruiz-Magaz, Andrés Pascual and José Nart.
Finalist in the Research Paper Category
Efecto del cambio de plataforma en la estabilización del tejido blando y duro periimplantar. Estudio experimental, aleatorizado, paralelo a 6 meses de seguimiento. 
Authors: Íñigo Gastaminza, Mariana Baglivo, Blanca Paniagua, Octavi Ortiz-Puigpelat, Luis M. Delgado, Xavier Rodríguez-Ciurana, and José Nart.
Prize for the best Paper in Video Format 
Three-dimensional digital analysis of multiple recession-type defects treated by vestibular incision subperiosteal tunnel access (vista): a pilot study. Authors: Alfonso Gil, Homa Zadeh and José Nart.
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