
Diario Médico rewards two innovative UIC Barcelona initiatives

The medical publication Diario Médico rewarded two innovative UIC Barcelona initiatives during a soiree held the evening of 16 November at Teatre Nacional de Catalunya. The event, which gathered together a large number of celebrities and healthcare professionals, marked the 15th edition of the award ceremony held each year by Diario Médico to honour the Spanish national health system's best ideas.

This year, UIC Barcelona received an award for a subject from its Degree in Medicine and the stem cell research performed by the Regenerative Medicine Research Institute. The award-winning subject, "Appropriate Decision Making in Medicine", taught by Dr Xavier Corbella, Dr Ángeles Martos and Dr Esther Jovell, aims to introduce students to macro-, meso- and micro-management and the set of agents, variables and indicators required to make appropriate decisions.

The award collected by Dr Maher Atari, Director of the Regenerative Medicine Research Institute, was given in recognition of his entire team, who, having identified the potential of dental pulp-derived stem cells, are working, as Dr Atari acknowledged in a recent interview with Diario Médico, on simplifying the presently complex and expensive isolation and culture process.