
Director of TV3 «La Marató» speaks at the UIC

Carme Basté, the Director of the TV3 «La Marató» Foundation, spoke to Journalism and Audiovisual Communication students at the UIC Faculty of Communication Sciences. She spoke about the present and future of the television market.

During the lecture, Basté, the former programming
director of Televisió de Catalunya, the public television network of Catalonia,
analysed the current television panorama. She gave her personal take on the
changes that have led to the proliferation of screens of all kinds, the ground
shared by the public and private sectors, and the challenges this presents for
the people responsible for daily programming.

Basté maintained a very lively dialogue with the
students and spoke about her role as the Director of the TV3 Telethon

Basté has been a member of the Television of Catalonia
staff since 1983. She first worked on the news service as the director of the
Midday News and the Weekend News. She was also responsible for special programmes,
specifically large-format programmes such as election night coverage.

During the dialogue with students, Basté also
discussed her past at TV3 and shared her expectations about the profession and
the professional future of today's students, who will soon have to enter the
job market.