
Directors from the Peruvian Company JJC Constructores Visit the UIC

In connection with the first International Symposium «Companies with a Human Face» organized by the UIC Department of Management by Missions and Corporate Governance at the San Telmo International Institute in Seville, directors from the Peruvian company JJC Constructores, one of the department's sponsors, visited the UIC on Wednesday, 20 February 2013.

Mauricio Garma, the human resources manager; Jorge Gjinovich, the assistant manager of security; Elizabeth Uribe, the head of communications; and Fernando Cerdeña, the central technical manager from the Peruvian company JJC Constructores visited the UIC.

As part of their visit, they gave a lecture for first-year students in the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Administration studying with Dr. Carlos Rey, the Head of the Department of Management by Missions and Corporate Governance. The lecture, titled "The Implementation of Management by Missions in JJC", dealt with how the Peruvian company applied the management by missions model and the results it has achieved.

Following the lecture, the directors from JJC Constructores, together with Dr. Carlos Rey and Dr. Miquel Bastons, the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences and associate director of the department, met for lunch and a tour of the UIC with Dr. Frederic Marimón, the UIC Vice Rector for Research. The visit concluded with a working meeting about the department's research projects.

The company JJC Constructores was founded in 1955. Since then it has carried out construction work in urban development in Peru. It is currently a business group made up of: JJC Contratistas Generales, JJC Edificaciones, JJC Inmobiliaria, JJC Schrader Camargo S.A.C., JJC Chile, JJC Colombia and Agrícola CP.