
Doblecheck: From the Faculty to the world

The multiplatform media channel at the disposal of students in the Faculty of Communication Sciences at UIC Barcelona allows them the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge and competencies they have acquired from the different degree programmes into practice

This media channel has been used by students at the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Communication Sciences since 2018 and works based on the same standards of professionalism as the type of media channels they will encounter in the world of work once their studies are complete. Doblecheck is the showcase platform that gives students the opportunity to put all the skills and knowledge they are acquiring into practice in the real world. So much so that they work horizontally starting from editorial boards while taking into account the point of view of all the people who make this environment work.

Doblecheck's main aim is to achieve timeless reports, linked to the present but not dependent on being up to date. In addition, the content is classified into four sections: Society, World (International), Culture and Sports. “We are open to publishing journalistic pieces in any format, be it audiovisual, written or radio,” explains graduate and current coordinator of the multiplatform media channel, Álvaro Carretón, who added that all publications go through an editing process before being sent out “to ensure the quality of all the content”.

Adapting to the pandemic

Like any other communication channel, Doblecheck has also had to adapt to the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic. The writing team normally met twice a month for a meeting, but COVID-19 has changed certain dynamics: “We have continued to hold the meetings remotely and have set up a WhatsApp group that has allowed us to maintain instant communication,” says Carretón. In these meetings topics are suggested then assigned to the students who want to work on them in depth.

In fact, any student from the Faculty can take part in this multiplatform media channel and also participate in the editorial boards. During the current academic year, Doblecheck has had ten regular participants from the Audiovisual Communication and Journalism degrees, but the media channel is also open to all students who would like to participate only occasionally. “Any students who are interested can send us a proposal or project to our email address,” the media channel coordinator underlined, while also concluding that Doblecheck is a “very practical platform for everyone who wants to work in the media in the future.”

If you are interested, please write an email to doblecheck@uic.es asking for more information.

Follow Doblecheck on Twitter: https://twitter.com/doblecheckuic

Follow Doblecheck on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doblecheck_uicbcn