
The Doctoral School welcomes 80 doctoral candidates from different countries

The Doctoral School opened the new 2019-2020 academic year with a welcome session aimed at students and thesis supervisors.

Around 80 doctoral candidates participated in the event, from degree programmes such as Architecture, Economics, Law, Communication, Education, Humanities and Health Sciences. They were from different Spanish cities and other countries such as Egypt, Turkey, India, Iraq, Mexico, Venezuela, Serbia and Ecuador. 
The session started with a welcome speech by Dr Núria Casals, director of the Doctoral School, who presented the current situation that can be observed in the field of doctoral studies. Subsequently, Dr Marta Gámiz, the academic officer for the School, described the general and shared aspects of all of the various programmes. 
Attendees then had the opportunity to get to know each other and share the concerns they have as new doctoral students. 
Finally, attendees were divided into different groups for personal sessions with members of the Academic Doctoral Committee, one for each doctoral programme, where the specific nature of each programme was discussed.