
«Don't Ruin Your Voice. Breathe!»: First Education Alumni Day

The workshop was held on Friday, 23 November 2012, as part of the first Alumni Day organized by the Faculty of Education to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the first class to graduate from the Teacher-Education Programme. Nearly fifty people attended.

In line with its plans to do the
same for each Faculty, Alumni UIC organized the day to reconnect with the
alumni who have passed through our university.

The event was held at 6 p.m. in
the Delta and Gamma buildings on the Barcelona Campus. The oldest alumni had
the opportunity to see the new Faculty of Education facilities on Carrer Terré.

Afterwards, in the Auditorium, the
attendees were welcomed and Education Alumni Day was presented by Marianna Zanuy, the Director of Alumni UIC, and Núria Arís, the Assistant Dean
of the Faculty of Education.

The guests of honour at the event
were actor and professional speaker Quim Casas and professor Sergi Font, who
led the workshop “Don’t Ruin Your Voice. Breathe!” on the best way to speak in
public, which involves breathing correctly so the voice is not damaged. Casas
focused on the nonverbal aspects of the topic — the attitude one projects,
voice type, posture, hand gestures, etc. — and Font spoke more about the
theoretical aspects. The attendees also had the opportunity to participate in
an activity to check whether they breathe properly and to learn ways to better focus
their voices, use the diaphragm and avoid, in Casa’s words, “wearing out the
vocal cords”.

The alumni in attendance enjoyed a
pleasant, fun day, which ended with light refreshments.