
Dr. Arís Wins Joan Profitós Award

Dr. Nuria Arís, a professor in the Faculty of Education, has won the 23rd Joan Profitós Educational Essay Award.

The award is granted through the sponsorship of the Piarist School of Catalonia with the aim of generating reflection on educational actions that strive for students’ comprehensive development. This reflection may be made based on an overall educational approach, on one aspect or on a specific experience.

Arís received the award for her essay “Stress in the world of education: myths and realities. Records, tests and proposals for resources to deal with them”, which she wrote together with Joan Riart, Carlos Virgili and Montserrat Alguacil. The four form part of the Teacher Stress Research Group of the Educational Psychology Professional Section of the Official Association of Psychologists of Catalonia (GRELDO).

The prize winners were presented with the award during the Festival of Catalan Letters on the 62nd St. Lucy's Night in Tarragona, which is organized by Òmnium Cultural. An array of cultural activities takes place in the host city as part of this itinerant festival, including a literary evening on or around 13 December, St. Lucy's Day. Some of the most prestigious prizes in Catalan literature are awarded during the course of this literary evening, including the Sant Jordi Prize for Novels, the Mercè Rodoreda Prize for Short Stories and Novellas, the Carles Riba Poetry Prize, the Josep M. Folch i Torres Prize for Fiction for Young People, and the Joan Profitós Educational Essay Award.