
Dr Armand Arilla and Olga Serra are made academic fellows of Pierre Fauchard Academy

The Manager and the Director of Nursing at UIC Barcelona University Dental Clinic join the Spanish section of the Pierre Fauchard Academy, an internationally-renowned institution in the area of dentistry

On 3, 4 and 5 October, the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Section of the Pierre Fauchard Academy was held at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The meeting was chaired by Dr Josep Maria Ustrell Torrent, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitat de Barcelona and President of the Pierre Fauchard Spanish Academy of Dentistry, Dr Jerry Dushkin, President of Pierre Fauchard Academy International, and the General Secretary of Pierre Fauchard Academy in Spain, Dr Anna Hospital. Dr María José Viñas chaired the organising committee of the Annual Meeting “Madrid 2019”.
Various scientific sessions were held as part of the meeting in which the professionals and members of the Academy had the opportunity to share experiences. The induction session was also carried out for the new academic fellows. The new fellows include Dr Armand Arilla, and Olga Serra, Manager and Director of Nursing and Quality, respectively, of UIC Barcelona University Dental Clinic.
Pierre Fauchard Academy is made up of 119 associated academies across the five continents, with more than 7,000 academics. The Spanish section of Pierre Fauchard Academy is the only Spanish dental organisation of its kind and brings together 75 dentists selected from among the members of the Spanish Dentistry Association.
The next Annual Meeting will be held in Barcelona in 2020 and will be organised by Dr Lluís Giner, the dean of the Faculty of Dentistry and a member of the Pierre Fauchard Academy