
Dr. Espaliú Analyses Lifecycle of Peremptory Norms in Beirut

Dr. Carlos Espaliú, a lecturer at the UIC's Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, took part in an international conference, «De la pérennité et de la temporalité du droit» (The Permanence and Temporality of the Law), organized by the Université de Saint Joseph in Beirut.

The conference was held from Wednesday to Sunday, 13-17 November 2013 to commemorate the first centenary of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at the Université de Saint Joseph. Espaliú gave the lecture “De la vie et de la mort des normes impératives en droit international” (On the Life and Death of Peremptory Norms in International Law), which focused on the lifecycle of peremptory norms in international law from creation to withdrawal.

The conference was attended by 30 lecturers from about ten countries, particularly Lebanon and France. The UIC and the Université de Saint Joseph’s Faculty of Law and Political Sciences are studying the possibility of signing a collaboration agreement.