
Dr Esther Calbo joins the ranks of full professors of UIC Barcelona

Dr Calbo, head of the Infectious Diseases Unit at Mutua Terrassa University Hospital and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, obtains the highest academic recognition within the university

On 21 June, the Auditorio of the Sant Cugat Campus hosted the inaugural ceremony of the investment as full professor of Dr Esther Calbo, lecturer at the UIC Barcelona Department of Medicine. Numerous health professionals, teachers, colleagues and students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences accompanied Dr Calbo on this significant day.

Dr Antoni Trilla, member of the Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology Service of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, was in charge of welcoming the attendees. He then introduced Dr Josep Maria Miró, professor of medicine at the University of Barcelona, who presented Dr Calbo’s merits. Among these, he especially emphasised her research work, as well as her capacity for leadership in both her job and in teaching. The new professor then gave the inaugural keynote speech titled “Resistance to Antibiotics: A Hospital Vision”.

Dr Calbo focused the presentation on the major worldwide threat to human health posed by antimicrobial resistance. More specifically, she shared the research results obtained in the hospital centre, highlighting the fundamental role of prevention strategies such as surveillance; infection control measures; the prudent use of antimicrobials; improved diagnosis techniques and use of new therapeutic strategies.

Dr Esther Calbo holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), is a specialist in internal medicine and a medical doctor at the UAB. She began her professional career in field of health in the Internal Medicine Service of the Mútua Terrassa University Hospital, where she first worked as a resident doctor and later as head of the Infectious Diseases Unit. Since 2020 she has been the director of the medical area of the Asistencial Mutua Terrassa Foundation and, since last April, she has also been the head of the Infectious Diseases Unit of the Mútua Terrassa University Hospital. As a teacher, she has been a lecturer in the UIC Barcelona Department of Medicine since 2009.

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