
Dr Garí presents his book on the peace movement in Catalonia surrounded by scholars and activists

The research findings were published within the framework of the Faculty of Humanities’ forthcoming Research Group on Historical Memory, War and Peace and Reconciliation

Dr Xavier Garí recently presented the book Orígens i evolució del moviment per la pau a Catalunya (1950-1980). Pacifisme, compromís cristià i recuperació democràtica [Origins and Evolution of the Peace Movement in Catalonia (1950-1980): Pacifism, Christian Commitment and the Restoration of Democracy] in the company of scholars, family, friends and peace activists. 

The lecturer from the Faculty of Humanities also received support from the dean of the Faculty, Dr Judith Urbano; full professor of Contemporary History at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Dr Josep Maria Solé i Sabaté; the director of the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP), Kristian Helborzeimer; and History lecturer Xavier Baró. 

All analysed the historical value and current relevance of the research, the result of the doctoral thesis written by Dr Garí. In this regard, Dr Solé i Sabaté outlined the historical, social and political context and purpose of the research. He was followed by the director of the ICIP, who explained that books like this summarise the efforts made by peace movement pioneers and that this research, in particular, “helps stimulate critical debate and provides tools for analysis and reflection”. He also went on to indicate the importance of forming “partnerships between academic, political and social circles” regarding issues related to the peace movement. 

Lastly, Dr Garí offered words of thanks and dedicated the work to scholar and activist Jaume Botey. A work in which he provides readers an overview of the importance of the peace movement in Catalonia.

In his talk, he explained that “Catalan society has both positive and negative aspects, like any other society”, yet added that “Catalonia is a pioneer at State level” in terms of promoting and supporting the peace movement. The lecturer also pointed out that “the current world is hard to understand because it lacks historical insight” and called on society to have the courage to change the future by learning from, and not forgetting, the past. 

The presentation and publication of the research are framed within the Faculty of Humanities’ forthcoming Research Group on Historical Memory, War and Peace and Reconciliation, a group looking to explore the fields of historical memory and the history of peace and reconciliation.