
Dr Grimalt and students María del Mar Sastre and Eugeni Prat publish a study on the treatment of scabies

Two fifth year students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine have collaborated with the lecturer and dermatologist Ramon Grimalt on the study “Current treatment of scabies: ivermectin or permethrin?”, which has been published in the journal Piel

For years, topical permethrin has been the preferred treatment for uncomplicated scabies. However, the study “Current treatment of scabies: ivermectin or permethrin?” led by Dr Ramon Grimalt in collaboration with his students Eugeni Prat and María del Mar Sastre, questions this practice and assesses the topical application or oral use of ivermectin as a replacement for the previous treatment. 

After completing the study, which was published in the dermatology journal Piel, the authors explained that “we have reached the conclusion that the side effects to using ivermectin, its previous use in veterinary medicine and the difficulty in prescribing it, mean that the use of this drug is much less prevalent today”. In order to conduct the study, the researchers carried out a systematic search through all scientific journals published over the last five years.  

“It’s incredibly rewarding to see how interested the Medicine students are in research and that they can begin to contribute to the world of academia and scientific dissemination before even finishing their degree”, concludes Dr Grimalt.