
Dr. Josep Maria Serra Named Numerary Member of Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors

On Thursday, 23 April 2015, Dr. Josep Maria Serra, the Professor of Plastic, Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the UIC Barcelona, took up his position as a Numerary Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors with a speech entitled “Beauty, Body Image and Cosmetic Surgery”. He was then addressed on behalf of the academy by Dr. José Maria Gay de Liébana, who is a Doctor of Law and Economic Science and a fellow Numerary Member of the academy.

Dr. Josep Maria Serra is a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the UIC Barcelona and is the first academic in Spain to hold a Chair in Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. He previously taught at the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universidad de Navarra and was President of the Spanish Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery from 1997 to 1998, as well as being the first President of the Educational Foundation of the Spanish Society of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. Today, he directs the Dr. Serra Renom Institute for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery at the Hospital Quirón in Barcelona and founded and manages the Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Department at the city’s Hospital Clínic. Dr. Serra is also a Corresponding Member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.