
Dr. Jovell, New Vice President of Catalan Patient Advisory Service

Dr. Albert Jovell, the Director of the UIC Global Institute of Public Health and Health Policy, was appointed Vice President of the Catalan Patient Advisory Service, a government advisory service which allows patients' voices to be heard and places them at the centre of the healthcare system.

service primarily provides patients with information about the Catalan healthcare
system, protects patients' right to receive the support and advice they need about
public health services, facilitates the participation of patients' associations
in the process of drawing up and administering healthcare policy, and also channels
their concerns and recommendations.

service puts together plans of action to encourage the use of new technologies
in healthcare, deals with requests for advice the Secretary General directs to the
service and works for the creation of technical advice for patients with different
pathologies and in specific health areas.

this regard, the service acts as an advisory service representing patients'
associations before the Catalan public administration so that patients may have
a say in how the public healthcare system can be improved.

addition, the Catalan Patient Advisory Service also increases awareness about
the proper use of public recourses and the importance of patients’ taking responsibility
for their own health.

service is made up of President Boi Ruiz and Vice President Albert Jovell, who is also the
President of the Catalan Patients' Forum, as well as several members. These
members include Josep Maria Argimon, the Managing Director of the Agency of Health
Information, Assessment and Quality; Joan Lluís Piqué, the Head of the Division
of Citizen Services of the Catalan Health Service; and Ricard Tresserras, the Deputy Director
of Health Planning for the Catalan Ministry of Health. Fifteen representatives
from different patients' associations are also members.