
Dr. Junceda Expresses Doubt in Asturian Regional Parliament about Asturian Transparency Bill

On Wednesday, 3 September 2014, Dr. Javier Junceda, the Dean of the UIC Faculty of Law, presented his doubts in the Asturian Parliament about the effectiveness of the Asturian Transparency Bill backed by the regional government.

As one of the experts asked to speak about the matter, Junceda said that the text contributes nothing new to the national law on transparency and is even of "lower legislative quality". According to Junceda, "Either you make a law that adds something, that makes a contribution and improves previous regulations, or you stick with what you have". Junceda also said he did not understand why the bill had been separated from the good governance bill.

Junceda also said that, because the bill does not include a set of infringements and penalties, "the law could become a work of pious intentions, like mere operating guidelines or recommendations". He said he considered the organizational structure of a transparency committee and council to be superfluous because they are already provided for in national legislation.

Another point criticized by Junceda was the seal of transparency to recognize public figures who stand out for complying with the law. According to Junceda, this is not logical, since everyone has to obey the law. The people singled out should be the ones who do not follow the law. "If not, we'd have to start a seal system to indicate who obeys the law", he concluded.

The Dean of the Faculty of Law was one of the experts asked to speak about the bill at a parliamentary session of the regional government of the Principality of Asturias. Other speakers included Ignacio Villaverde and Miguel Ángel Presno, professors of Constitutional Law.