
Dr Lluis Giner chairs the annual meeting of the Spanish Section of the Pierre Fauchard Academy

In the context of the meeting, held on the UIC Barcelona Sant Cugat Campus and at Sant Cugat City Council, a welcome to the Academy ceremony for Dr Sandra Fernández and Manuel Ribera also took place, both lecturers in the Faculty of Dentistry

On 21, 22 and 23 October the UIC Barcelona Sant Cugat Campus and Sant Cugat Town Hall hosted the annual meeting of the Spanish Section of the Pierre Fauchard Academy. This year's edition was attended by Dr Lluis Giner, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of UIC Barcelona, as the head of the organising committee. 

The event was chaired by Dr Josep Maria Ustrell Torrent, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Barcelona and President of the Pierre Fauchard Spanish Academy of Dentistry, and members of the local committee consisting of Dr Lluís Giner, Dr Marta Satorres, Vice-Dean for Research at the Faculty, Dr Luis Jane, Dr Joan Josep Guarro and Dr Anna Hospital, General Secretary of the Pierre Fauchard Academy in Spain.

During the meeting, the candidates invested as academy members gave speeches, they included Dr Sandra Fernandez, Institutional Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry and Dr Manuel Ribera, a lecturer in the area of Geriatric Dentistry, Special Patients and Oral Medicine at the same Faculty. Following the speeches, there were various masterclasses followed by the Academy’s Annual General Meeting. On the 22nd, Sant Cugat City Council hosted a lecture entitled “Learning from Gaudi” given by Dr Judith Urbano, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at UIC Barcelona, preceded by the Introductory Session for the New Academic Numeraries, chaired by Mayor Mireia Ingla. 
The Pierre Fauchard Academy consists of 142 sections spread across the United States, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. It has more than 11.000 academic members. The Spanish section of the Pierre Fauchard Academy is the only Spanish dental organisation of its kind and brings together dentists chosen from among the professionals who form part of the Spanish Dentistry Association.

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