
Dr Mara Dierssen, neurobiologist, researcher, university lecturer and scientific advocate, patron of the first graduating class of the Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Sciences

The internationally renowned researcher, specifically in Down Syndrome, asked the recent graduates not to forget “that you are researching to improve people’s quality of life and that behind every sample in the laboratory there is a patient”

Students of the first class of the Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Sciences graduated 1 July at the University’s Aula Magna, accompanied by their teachers, family and friends. Dr Mara Dierssen, neurobiologist, researcher, university lecturer and scientific advocate was patron for the ceremony.

Dr Mara Dierssen opened the ceremony with an inspirational keynote speech, congratulating the students on the completion of the university period and encouraging them to share the excitement of the moment. As the well-known neurobiologist explained, “today you became biomedical scientists as a reward for these years of hard work, you have to avoid the impostor syndrome. If you have made it this far, it is because you have spent hours studying and working over the past four years.”

After the patron’s speech, Frederic Van Dyck, director of Alumni & Careers at UIC Barcelona, welcomed the new members, emphasising that “Even though you have just graduated, do not abandon the University. You are now part of a community that will accompany you throughout your next steps.”


After the awarding of the diplomas and placing of sashes, the student representatives of the Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Sciences, Berta Sostres and Hugo García addressed an overflowing Aula Magna to remember experiences from the past years, marked by the pandemic, but above all to thank their families, teachers and classmates for all the support received.

Dr Natalia Ricco, head of studies and lecturer of the Bachelor’s Degree, encouraged the new graduates to maintain the friendships and camaraderie that were forged over the years, which contributed to the slides with photographs of the students during their time at the UIC.

Researcher and Director of the Bachelor’s Degree, Dr Rosalía Rodríguez, closed the event with a few words to the graduating students, family members and teachers, fondly remembering “the beginning of the degree programme, when it was just a project in which we put all our enthusiasm, and that thanks to your trust and effort, it became a reality and today we are proud to see you become the first graduating class of Biomedical Sciences of the University.”

Finally, the graduates, lecturers and attendees left the Aula Magna with the traditional singing of Gaudeamus igitur.

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