
Dr Marta Benages presents the RIL Research Group at the BlueHealth meeting

Dr Marta Benages, lecturer in Urbanism I at the ESARQ-School of Architecture and member of the Research Group in the Regeneration of Intermediate Landscapes (RIL), spoke at the meeting between stakeholders of the European project BlueHealth, which took place on 9 February 2017 in the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park,PRBB. Ramón y Cajal Room (Doctor Aiguader, 88) Barcelona.

Photo: Metropolitan river spaces

Under the title "El procés de vinculació dels ciutadans amb el paisatge fluvial metropolità. El cas de la riera de Caldes" [The Process of Citizen Appropriation of the Metropolitan Riparian Landscape: The Case of the Caldes Stream], Dr Benages presented the work that forms the basis of her doctoral thesis and the projects stemming from her thesis that are currently being undertaken by the RIL Research Group.

The scientific activity of the Research Group in the Regeneration of Intermediate Landscapes focuses on the production of a methodological basis for repairing low profile landscapes through socio-spatial analysis, the re-evaluation of cultural heritage and supra-local development.

The aim of the meeting was to discuss the challenges and opportunities held by blue spaces -rivers, lakes, seas, springs- with regards to health and wellness and how urban planning can help integrate health into the decision-making process. The event gathered together professionals from a host of different backgrounds, such as architects, archaeologists, biologists, town planners, local government representatives and private sector professionals.