
Dr Montserrat Gas undertakes a research stay at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Montserrat Gas, vice-dean of the Faculty of Law, recently completed a research stay at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The aim of her research was to study the relationship between the state and religion and how religious minorities are managed in Israel. This four-month-long stay was funded with a Grant for Senior Researchers from the Ministry of Education.

Professor Gas was hosted by the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University. The research project was supervised by the faculty dean, Professor Michael Karayanni, full professor of International Law and director of the Centre for the Study of Multiculturalism and Diversity. During these months, Professor Gas worked closely with a number of professors from the area of Constitutional Law, International Law and other fields related to her research topic. She also made contact with researchers from the Hebrew University’s Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace and had the opportunity to work alongside expert lecturers from the University of Tel Aviv, University of Haifa, Bar-Ilan University and the Academic Centre of Law and Science.

During her stay, she attended a series of academic activities at the university, including teachers’ seminars, conferences and other relevant activities. Of particular note was her participation in the Interdisciplinary Ibero-Mediterranean Ethno-Cultural Identities and Public Policies Research Seminar, organised by the Hebrew University, in which Professor Gas gave a lecture entitled “Public Management of Religious Minorities in Spain: Re-thinking the Israeli Case". The seminar featured the participation of lecturers from a number of Israeli and Spanish universities.

The professor also visited other universities in the country, including Bar-Ilan University, near Tel Aviv, and the University of Haifa, in the north of the country, one of Israel’s oldest and most prestigious institutions.