
Dr Montserrat Gas was recently a speaker at an international symposium on Church marriage

Professor Montserrat Gas Aixendri, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law, was recently a speaker at the XII International Symposium on “Church marriage. New legal action”, held at the University of Navarra between 8  and 11 November.

The talk by Montserrat Gas focused on the legal-canonical dimension of marriage, underlining aspects relevant to the evaluation of the validity of the connection and that have an impact on the application of the reform of the process of annulments undertaken a year ago by Pope Francis.

The symposium brought together more than 150 experts and legal operators from the canonical field. The aim was to deal with aspects of Matrimonial and Canonical Procedural Law which are more up to date and of greater doctrinal importance.  Especially those aspects of matrimonial and procedural discipline which are being affected by the new Motu proprio Mitis Iudex and which are particularly important.