
Dr Paul Levi, an international thought leader in the field of periodontics, receives an honorary doctorate from UIC Barcelona

His passion for teaching and prevention has led him to become a pioneer in demonstrating the relationship between oral health and people’s general health

The Aula Magna or Main Lecture Hall at UIC Barcelona hosted the investiture ceremony for an honorary doctorate for Dr Paul Levi, a professor at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. The event began with Ms Belén Castro, Secretary General of the University, reading out the official appointment.  Next, Dr Lluís Giner, dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, gave a Laudatio speech for Dr Paul Levi, in which he highlighted the merits that led to this distinction being awarded, among which he  highlighted the fact he was “ahead of his time, since more than fifty years ago, he saw the great importance of maintaining oral health and the great responsibility of the field of dentistry, to help maintain general health.” Giner also underlined Dr Levi's dedication to his students and patients, while always transmitting a commitment to the promotion of oral and general health based on a strong passion for his profession.

The investiture consisted of an academic hood and ring being ceremoniously handed over to the new doctors, as well as a pair of white gloves and a book of science for each of them. After the investiture ceremony the new honoris causa doctors gave a speech accepting their new position as members of the academic teaching body. In his speech, Dr Paul Levi transmitted his passion for dentistry to attendees, particularly periodontics, as well as his commitment to share his knowledge with future dentists. In his own words, he said: “Grit is a dedication to making other people’s lives better because of what you can do for them.” After providing an overview of the path that led him to access the School of Dentistry at Tufts University (USA) where he has been working for the past 27 years, Levi recalled his beginnings in the field of periodontics during his time in the United States Navy, which led him to want to become a “teacher of prevention.” As he learned from his mentors, Dr Irving Glickman and Dr Samuel Adams, “the prevention of dental disease was possible and patient education is key to a successful dental practice”.

His passion for periodontics and teaching have made Dr Paul Levi become an international thought leader for dental professionals, not only due to his commitment to the promotion of oral health, but also due to his strong qualities as a human being.

At the end of the event, during which Dr Verónica Boix-Mansilla, a researcher at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, was also invested Doctor Honoris Causa, a closing speech was given by Alfonso Méndiz, rector of the University. He offered some words of welcome to the new doctors, who have now become members of the academic teaching body at UIC Barcelona.

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