
Dr Pedro Álvarez, traumatologist of the Instituto Cugat, is patron for the ninth graduating class of the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine at UIC Barcelona

The ceremony was also presided by Dr Albert Balaguer, dean of the Faculty, and Dr Marta Elorduy and Dr Montse Virumbrales, assistant directors of the Department of Medicine

On 18 June, the Aula Magna at UIC Barcelona hosted the graduation ceremony for students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine. Dr Albert Balaguer, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, was the person charged with greeting the new doctors and the attendees. Then Dr Marta Elorduy, vice-dean for students of the Faculty.

In her speech, the vice-dean shared an excerpt from a letter from a patient who, grateful to the team that cared for him in the ICU in July 2021, emphasising that ‘‘above and beyond the medical care, your humanity was the greatest value you offered me.’’ Along with these words, the vice-dean encouraged graduates to be known in the world of medicine for doing their best. “You should not only be recognized for your knowledge, but for your way of attending, caring for and supporting patients.’’

Next, the keynote speech was given by the patron for this class, Dr Pedro Álvarez, traumatologist and attending physician of the Institute of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Hospital Quirón de Barcelona. Dr Álvarez followed the vice-dean with a speech focused on what it means to be a physician and how the new graduates can transform the world of medicine in which we live today. Dr Álvarez encouraged the students to always keep an open mind and receptive ability to ‘‘always seek excellence in the service to others.’’ Finally, he welcomed graduates to this new phase, where they will practice as medical professionals. 

Subsequently, the awarding of diplomas and reading of the Hippocratic Oath took place. Student representatives shared touching words as they remembered the hard journey they had made over the last six years. 

Subsequently, the awarding of diplomas and reading of the Hippocratic Oath took place. Student representatives shared touching words as they remembered the hard journey they had made over the last six years. 


Then the dean of the Faculty recognised the five students with the best academic records of the current graduating class: Gemma Terns, Cristina Gener, Laura Panés, Beatriz Bové and Iker Benegas. He also congratulated Ricard Prat, extraordinary prize of the 2020-2021 graduating class, who shared some encouraging words with the attendees.

The ceremony ended with a final speech by Dr Albert Balaguer and the traditional singing of Gaudeamus igitur.

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