
Dr Ramon Pujol, director of the Department of Medical Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Barcelona, acts as patron at the graduation ceremony for students of Medicine

The patron at the graduation ceremony for students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences’ fourth graduating class in Medicine was Dr Ramon Pujol, director of the Department of Medical Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Barcelona. By popular demand, the students also chose Dr Esther Calbo as co-patron. The event was also presided by Dr Albert Balaguer, dean of the Faculty, and Dr Marta Elorduy, vice-dean of Medicine.

On 15 June, the Aula Magna at UIC Barcelona hosted the graduation ceremony for students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine. Dr Albert Balaguer, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, was the person charged with greeting the new doctors and the attendees, and then handed the floor to Dr Marta Elorduy, vice-dean of Medicine. The head of the department congratulated the new Alumni and, in her speech, reminded them that individual attention is the key to this profession, as “supportive, friendly attention often proves extremely helpful in performing a quicker diagnosis”. Dr Elorduy also encouraged the graduates to “keep growing and learning, striving each day to offer a little something more and help make our healthcare system more human”.

Following the Vice-Dean, Dr Ramon Pujol, patron of the graduating class, delivered a speech that focused on the fundamental principles which, based on his extensive experience as a prominent figure in medical education, he felt the newly-graduated doctors should keep in mind. In the words of Dr Pujol, “today's medical profession is an extremely dynamic profession and requires an unequivocal desire to serve society”. During his talk, he also stressed the need “to rethink the role of doctors in a society where technological breakthroughs are continually being made and to update our knowledge”. The patron of the graduating class concluded by reminding graduates that they were now entering a new stage in which they would continue to build upon the knowledge acquired during the previous six years, and recommended that they “constantly observe [their] surroundings, provide positive criticism and seek strategic alliances to keep growing and learning”.

Dr Esther Calbo then dedicated a few tender words to the Alumni and helped them take the Hippocratic Oath. This was followed by the award of diplomas and speeches by student representatives.

The event concluded with the traditional singing of Gaudeamus Igitur.