
Dr Silvia Albareda gave the conference “Religiones y emergencia climática” as part of the V Conference series, Introduction to Theology, for university students

On Monday 2 March, the lecturer from the Faculty of Education and Director of the Office for Cooperation and Sustainable Development at UIC Barcelona, Dr Silvia Albareda, spoke at a series of conferences on “Dios y la ecología integral” (God and integral ecology).

This year’s conferences were all centred around the theme of integral ecology. As part of this series of conferences, which was organised by the Santa María de Montalegre church in collaboration with the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona, the lecturer from UIC Barcelona held a conference entitled “Religiones y emergencia climática” (Religion and the climate emergency).
Dr Albareda began her talk by clarifying what is meant by the state of climate emergency declared by the Government of Catalonia and Barcelona City Council.  She then went on to explain why the issue of climate change is so complex and what some possible solutions might be.
According the lecturer, “we should be responding to this climate emergency both individually and collectively. All religions have theological motives to care for the planet and encourage more sustainable behaviour”.
In his encyclical entitled “Alabado seas” (Praise be to you), Pope Francisco prompted people to start an ecological conversation, which would involve a change to the current paradigm. We need to change the way we see the world and try to solve socio-environmental issues, which requires both a personal and collective commitment; for their part, religions are remaining mindful of their moral debt to protect the planet.