
Dr. Stuberg Discusses Evidence-Based Physiotherapy

On Friday, 28 September 2012, Dr. Wayne Stuberg, a professor and the Associate Director of Education at the University of Nebraska, spoke at the inaugural conference for the third edition of the Master's Programme in Physiotherapy and Scientific Evidence and the first edition of the Master's Programme in Paediatric Physiotherapy.

Stuberg focused his talk on analysing evidence-based
in paediatric physiotherapy
and how the application of therapeutic strategies to treat spasticity has
evolved. During the session, Dr. Stuberg highlighted the importance of research
in the advancement of physiotherapy as a discipline. He also discussed the
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and its main goals and topics of
interest. Stuberg is a doctor of physiotherapy as well as the Director of the
Motion Analysis Laboratory at the University of Nebraska Medical Center
Munroe-Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation.

talk dealt specifically with the advances in the field of paediatrics, such as
the relationship between levels of disability and motor skills function; the
effects and outcomes of treatments by specialized physiotherapists versus
unspecialized physiotherapists; and the assessment of a patient's family
situation and how it effects the outcomes of physiotherapy treatments.

is now considered a symptom and not a primary cause of the lack of motor
control in children. This change in point of view has meant a move toward
treatments which focus on encouraging the active participation of the child, which
is considered necessary to incentivize learning and movement. These treatments
also give due consideration to the adaptations, mobility support and technology
required to ensure the best outcomes.