
Dr. Urbano Presents Book on August Font i Carreras at Catalan Book Week

Dr. Judith Urbano, a professor at the ESARQ School of Architecture, presented the book «Eclecticisme i Arquitectura. August Font i Carreras (1845-1924)» (Eclecticism and Architecture: August Font i Carreras (1845-1924)) on Sunday, 8 September 2013 at Catalan Book Week.

The book proposes taking a new look at eclecticism and historicism, two 19th-century artistic approaches that have been undervalued and rejected for many years. The author focuses on the figure of architect August Font i Carreras (1845-1924) as a model of the eclectic architect. Font i Carreras worked in Barcelona, Tarragona, Vilafranca del Penedès, Tortosa and Zaragoza.

He defended the use of iron in contemporary architecture and was one of the first eight professors at the Barcelona School of Architecture. He was also a member of three academies and a member of the Association of Architects of Catalonia, where he served as president.

His best known work is the façade and lantern tower of Barcelona cathedral. Other well-known works by Font i Carreras include the Palace of Fine Arts at the 1888 Universal Exposition in Barcelona, Palau de les Heures, Maison Dorée bar-restaurant and Las Arenas bullring.