
Each year UIC Barcelona will host up to 25 first year Architecture students from the USA

The agreement signed with the prestigious Tulane University will allow students to validate the credits they gain during their semester in Barcelona

UIC Barcelona and the Tulane University (USA) have recently signed an agreement that offers 10 to 25 first year students from the North American university the chance to complete an introductory semester at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture. The students arriving from the North American university will be able to transfer the credits they gain during their stay at our university to the Tulane University, where they will continue their own Architecture programme.  

The exchange agreement, which will be honoured for the next 5 years, was signed on 13 January by the rector of UIC Barcelona, Xavier Gil, and the Senior Vicepresident of Academic Affairs and Provost from the Tulane University, Robin Forman.  

“This agreement will help us to expand our excellent international network by hosting first year students from the Tulane University, which is considered to be the best school of Architecture in the southern states of the USA, and ninth best in the country”, explained Carmen Mendoza-Arroyo, assistant director of International Relations at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture.

During their stay at UIC Barcelona, these students will have access to a rigorous academic programme that includes learning Spanish, history of art and architecture and mathematics. It is an introductory programme that incorporates other parallel activities designed to help students immerse themselves in the world of Catalan and Spanish architecture. It includes, for example, guided visits to see the work of Antonio Gaudí, lectures by local, well-renowned architects and trips to other Spanish cities.