
“EAPS Cuides UIC Barcelona offers comprehensive care to people suffering from an advanced disease and their families”

Psychosocial Care Teams (EAPS) are groups that specialise in providing psychological, social, and spiritual support to people with advanced disease and their families. It is the result of a cooperation agreement signed in 2020 with the Fundació “la Caixa”. The University set up the EAPS Cuides UIC Barcelona, within the framework of the services offered by the new university clinic to support advanced diseases and palliative care. In this interview, we will find out about the work undertaken by EAPS and the professionals who form part of it

Where did the idea to set up EAPS come from?

The EAPS was set up to respond to the psychosocial care needs of patients with advanced disease and at the end of life, as well as their families. Care has traditionally been more focused on clinical symptoms and now is given comprehensive attention that addresses the different bio-psycho-social and spiritual dimensions, placing the individual at the centre, as well as their values and preferences. 

In addition, the EAPS Cuides UIC Barcelona was also set up to promote actions that have an impact on society, including a project called “Caregiving/Compassionate Communities” which adds value to the volunteering projects that already exist in the country. This is a project based on a social and community perspective and its main objectives is to raise awareness among the population about the dying and death process, helping to break the taboo that exists in society and to experience these processes as something more natural; to improve quality of life for people with advanced diseases, generating a screening and care circuit with and from the same community; to promote volunteers who specialise in end of life care; to enhance the social support networks that already exist; and to train professionals and volunteers.
What work does EAPS do?

EAPS professionals carry out evaluation, diagnosis and psychological and social intervention with the aim of detecting any concerns or causes for discomfort among patients and their families, as well as any protection factors. From there on, we develop an interdisciplinary plan in conjunction with the medical team, which allows us to take a comprehensive approach. 

Psychosocial intervention and accompanying people throughout their disease process is essential for coping and adapting to changes that have a direct impact on people's lives and family structures.

How long does EAPS provide a service for?

We act in high impact situations derived from disease, so the intervention of EAPS can be present from the diagnosis and provide support throughout the disease process, intensifying action in times of crisis. We try to carry out detection and intervention as early as possible, in order to avoid suffering through preventative action. As companions throughout the disease process, we also offer bereavement care for those families who need it. 

What type of users request EAPS services or who do you attend to?

The EAPS Cuides UIC Barcelona is integrated within the UIC Barcelona University Clinic for Advanced Diseases and Palliative Care Support, we offer our services to patients and their families. In addition, we act as an inter-consulting team within the General University Hospital of Catalonia, attending to patients sent to us from the different medical specialisations. 

In the coming months, from EAPS we will expand our services by paying attention to several residential centres in the Vallès Occidental region. In this way, we will provide care to people with advanced and/or complex chronic diseases who present emotional, existential malaise, lack of resources for coping or difficulty in adapting to the disease situation; to their families, who see how the disease directly impacts their functioning and organisation; as well as professionals who need support in the area of communication with the patient or family, who experience emotional overload or burnout. 

What would you highlight about the work you carried out during the pandemic?

During the first wave, EAPS joined together with HUGC professionals, creating a joint care team. In our case, we performed online care for both hospitalised patients and family members who were experiencing severe emotional impact while self-isolating at home. Facilitating patient-family contact, providing care in this exceptional situation helped reduce discomfort and the perception of both physical and affective isolation among people.

What is the importance of the work carried out by EAPS in these times?

As we know, it is vitally important to address the psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of comprehensive care in people who are suffering from a disease situation with limited life expectancy. EAPS guarantees specialised care in these areas and also continues to provide support to families after the person's death. In this way, care and support are guaranteed at all times when there may be suffering, as well as complex situations.

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