
Ecoembes Communication Director Highlights Key Strategies in Environmental Communication

Antonio Barrón, the Marketing and Communication Director at Ecoembes, the management company responsible for collecting and recycling the plastic, metal, cardboard and paper deposited in recycling bins, gave a lecture on communication strategies and actions in the area of environmental communication to students in the fourth year of the Journalism and Public Relations Programme.

During the session, Barrón explained how communication responsibilities are assigned in the company, the different action taken and the results obtained in 14 years of activity in favour of recycling in Spain. In his lecture, he made use of campaign videos and examples of highly innovative strategies such as the company's advertising promotion targeting door attendants in Madrid and the campaign involving an illustrated children's book for schools.

Ecoembalajes España, S.A. (Ecoembes) is a non-profit organization that manages pickup and recycling of plastic containers, tins and Tetra Brik packages (all of which go in the yellow bin in Spain) and cardboard and paper items (the blue bin) throughout Spain. The company's management model is based on innovation, sustainability and the pursuit of environmental and economic efficiency. It is currently financing the Catalan government's advertising campaign “Envàs, on vas?” (Where does this container go?).

The lecture was held within the framework of the optional course Environmental Communication taught by Dr. Pilar Buil for fourth-year Advertising and Public Relations students. The optional course addresses strategies and techniques that can raise awareness about and increase public participation in environmental campaigns and how these campaigns should be handled to make them effective.