
Eduard Fitó, first speaker in this year’s ‘Desayunos Cátedra’

Eduard Fitó, corporate director and director of business development at the multinational Semillas Fitó, opened the third edition of the breakfast series organised by the UIC Barcelona Chair for Management by Missions and Corporate Government.

The session revolved around the topic of “Management by Missions in an International and Multicultural Setting”. During the event, the speaker explained how the concept of management by missions has been integrated at Semillas Fitó and how it has evolved. 

The multinational, which has seven subsidiaries around the world, promotes several initiatives aimed at ensuring all its employees are able to carry out their personal mission at work and feel part of the organisation. 

According to the speaker, a number of the company’s annual events are actually organised by the workers. For instance, employees who have been with the company for less than one year are in charge of preparing the Christmas party. By doing this, explained the agricultural engineer, the company aims to “generate meaningful motivation and integrate” new members into the organisation’s team, regardless of their position or task. These initiatives “are a salutary lesson, as the workers, who are used to performing routine tasks, suddenly step outside their normal workplace and help organise a mass event”, added Eduard Fitó.

During the session, Carlos Rey, director of the Chair, reminded attendees that one of the objectives of management by missions is to promote each worker’s personal mission and give meaning to their work, which is much more important than merely receiving compensation for finishing a task.

The aim of the “Desayunos Cátedra” is to establish a meeting point between the academic and business worlds, in efforts to generate debate on issues related to business humanism. Breakfasts will be held throughout the academic year. The sessions begin with the speaker introducing the topic, followed by a discussion in which the participants have a chance to share their experience and questions.