
Eduardo García, journalist and director of Radio Estadio, is patron of the Faculty of Communication Sciences graduation ceremony

The sports communicator shared tips on how to experience and enjoy the profession with the students of the Bachelor’s Degrees in Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, and Audiovisual Communication 

The students of UIC Barcelona Faculty of Communication Sciences graduated on 3 June in a ceremony in which the journalist and director of Radio Estadio, Eduardo Garcia acted as patron. Students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, and Audiovisual Communication, went on stage of the Aula Magna of the university to collect their diplomas while their families and teachers looked on.

The event began with a keynote lecture from the patron, who defined journalism as a “factory of answers” where, with the passage of time, different key elements can be forged that lead to an enjoyable working career. “The first and fundamental key is that of preparation, which has been instilled in you by the University and which will last forever. The second is that of quality, which is the essence of this profession and your ultimate goal. The third key, audacity, is the one that allows us to be original and different, because imitation no longer works nowadays. The fourth is smaller, and is that of perseverance. It provides faith in the personal and the work that leads to success. And the last is kindness, something that professionals value very much.”

The sports journalist was introduced by his partner and lecturer of UIC Barcelona, Francesc Robert, director of Atresmedia Radio Catalonia, who described him as the professional who embodies the three necessary conditions to do the job well. “These three conditions are also present during your years of study at UIC Barcelona and are profession, purpose and values. Profession is a synonym of know-how and professionalism; purpose because it is what will sustain you in moments of difficulty; and values because success is ephemeral if it does not have a solid basis,” explained the lecturer as he addressed his graduate students.

The ceremony also featured speeches by Rebeca Pardo, dean of the faculty, Raquel Iriso, director of studies at the faculty, and Santi Gilabert, class of 2017 of Audiovisual Communications.

After the awarding of diplomas and the customary placing of sashes on all the graduates, different students of the three degrees shared emotional words with their peers and speeches of thanks with teachers and family members.

Graduació de Comunicació