
Eduardo Verástegui Presents «For Greater Glory» at the UIC

The American actor made his second visit to the UIC to present For Greater Glory, his latest film, in which he plays the role of a lawyer who is killed in cold blood defending members of the Cristeros, fellow Catholics who fought against Plutarco Elías Calles' government during the Cristero War in Mexico from 1926 to 1929.

More than 200 people attended the event. The presentation turned into a dialogue in which the audience was able to participate by asking questions through Twitter. Javier Quintano, from the UIC Office of Communication, read the questions from the table.

At the beginning of the presentation, after viewing the trailer for For Greater Glory, Verástegui spoke briefly about the film. “It tells a story that has been kept hidden for many years, in part because the government realized just how awful it had treated the Mexican people and was too embarrassed to include it in history books", he said. "I wanted to get involved with this project because I felt it was necessary to talk about these great Mexican heroes who were not afraid to give their lives defending religious freedom".

Eduardo Verástegui, who also visited the UIC three years ago, discussed his conversion to Catholicism, which led him to found the production company Metanoia Films with two of his colleagues. In addition, he spoke about the film they had just finished shooting, Little Boy, which is due out at the end of the year. “It's a story for adults, told from the point of view of an eight-year-old boy, who is so small that he looks more like a five-year-old", he explained. "His only friend is his father, who has to go off to fight in World War II”.

In response to the questions asked, the Mexican actor discussed his experience in Hollywood and how he has managed to be coherent with his beliefs while working in an environment as complicated as the world of film. “At first I thought it would be impossible", he explained. "But some years after my conversion, I realized that not only was it possible, but that through my work I could contribute to change”.

That is how his production company was born. Verástegui is convinced that the most successful films are three-sided. “It's a very effective triangle", he explained. "The best films have worked artistically as well as morally and financially”.

The event was just one of those organized by the University Community as part of the Year of Faith, invoked by Pope Benedict XVI last October. In March, Father José Ignacio Saranyana spoke about the future after Benedict XVI and, during Easter week, a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela was organized. More events are coming soon, such as the Marian procession to the Sanctuary of Montserrat on 14 April 2013.