
El Barco Pirata (The Pirate Ship), a Short Film Produced by Arturo Méndiz, Wins Goya Award

The short film El Barco Pirata (The Pirate Ship), which was produced by Arturo Méndiz, a professor of Communication Sciences at the UIC, has won a Goya award in the Best Fictional Short Film category. It was directed by Fernando Trullols and produced by Bastian Films.

The short film deals with the subject
of childhood innocence and tells the story of David, a child who asks for a
pirate ship for Christmas. His father, who is about to lose his job, has prepared
a huge surprise for him. But something happens and the holiday doesn't quite go
as planned.

The screenplay was written by Fernando
Trullols and Pepe Combalía, and
the cast includes actors such as
Alberto San Juan, Petra Martínez, Dylan Figueroa, Antonio de la Torre, Raúl Arévalo, Font García and Juan Vinuesa.

By winning a Goya award, El Barco Pirata beat
off competition from
El Premio (The Prize), Matar a un Niño (Killing a Child) and Meine Liebe (My
Love). It also received a nomination for best short film
at the 2012
Gaudí Awards and won
the Third Villa Coslada Short Film Competition.

Arturo Méndiz has been a
professor in the UIC Faculty of Communication Sciences since 2006. He teaches
several subjects alongside
Ricard Mamblona,
including Audiovisual Production and Direction 2
part of the degrees in Audiovisual Communication and Audiovisual Production.