
End of Year Party a Success

A performance of the play ?El Principiant' (The Novice), musical recitals by students and the awards ceremony in recognition of the activities of the office of the Vice Rector for the University Community were some of the events that took place during the evening.

This year’s party was extremely well attended, with many current and former students, Erasmus students and UIC teaching and administrative staff members present.

Throughout the evening, the introductions were handled by Javi Quintano, from the Department of Communications, and Annie Chirivella, a fourth-year Advertising and Public Relations student and an intern at the Student Services office on the Barcelona campus.

The evening commenced with a performance of the play The Novice by the UIC’s Barcelona campus theatre group. This was followed by the awards ceremony for the cultural and sporting activities that took place throughout the year, with UIC Rector Pere Alavedra and Dr Belén Zárate, the Vice Rector for the University Community, on hand to distribute the awards. An official photo session was then held, while Javi Quintano gave a ten-point summary of the standout activities of the last year for each of the faculties and vice rectors’ offices.

The evening drew to a close with three musical performances by UIC students. First, third-year Advertising student Joan Galí took to the stage for the third year in a row. He was followed by Alex Viñeta, a second-year Education student who, like last year, got the audience up off their seats with his beatbox act Xelabeats. Finally, third-year Audiovisual Communication student Mario Hernández and his band closed the proceedings with a bang.

Additionally, three marquees offering a variety of services had been set up. The alumni marquee provided information on alumni service and activities, while a second marquee was dedicated to the recipients of collaboration scholarships, who were able to collect a diploma in recognition of their efforts. The third marquee was for the work camp that the UIC will hold in Guatemala this year. Money for the camp was collected throughout the evening through the sale of special T-shirts from Guatemala and slices of homemade coca de Sant Joan, a sweet flatbread traditionally eaten on Midsummer’s Day. The marquee also played host to a caricaturist, who spent the evening producing humorous sketches of the UIC and anyone who approached him. The money raised through the sale of these sketches also went towards the Guatemala project.