
Enric Vidal Analyses Gender Ideology at Faith and Reason Meeting

Dr. Enric Vidal, the Dean of the Faculty of Education, gave the lecture «Person and Gender: The Mysterious Relationship Between Equality and Difference» at the Meeting of Faith and Reason, which was jointly organized by the UIC and the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce and held on Thursday and Friday, 26-27 September 2013, at the UIC.

In his paper, Vidal spoke about the differences between and equalities of men and women, the problem of trivializing sex as a consumer product, and the phenomenon of feminism.

He explained that, as a result of the marital breakup described in the Book of Genesis, the separation between man and woman had increased and women had been left at a lower level. Vidal said that the message of Christianity speaks of the equality of both sexes. The Dean of the Faculty of Education said, “Christianity, through the attitudes and words of Christ, represented a decisive rejection of the ancestral bias towards women that all the cultures of the world had been dragging along since the beginnings of humanity”.

Finally, Vidal proposed a 21st-century challenge: “Ensuring that this solid relationship between men and women impregnates the public and private spheres. We must build the family with a father and culture with a mother to ensure that production and procreation, technology and care, justice and love are compatible and sustainable once and for all.”

The two-day meeting was organized by the UIC and the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (PUSC), and gave UIC professors and the theologians Paul O’Callaghan and Lluís Clavell, who teach at the PUSC, the opportunity to exchange ideas and delve into knowledge of light and faith and respond to the challenges arising in different professional areas.

The first day of the programme was held on the Barcelona campus and the second was held on the Sant Cugat campus. On both days, UIC professors and the two PUSC professors discussed topics related to faith and reason from the perspective of their respective disciplines. After all the papers were read, a debate was opened with the guest speakers in an attempt to shed light on the ideas raised.

The Meeting of Faith and Reason was one of the events organized by the UIC as part of the Year of Faith declared by Pope Benedict XVI.

Durante su conferencia Vidal habló de las diferencias e igualdades entre hombre y mujer, de la problemática que supone banalizar el sexo como objeto de consumo, y del fenómeno del feminismo.

En este sentido, explicó cómo, a raíz de la ruptura conyugal relatada en el Génesis, la separación del hombre y la mujer había ido creciendo, y había quedado ésta última en un nivel inferior. Vidal afirmó que el mensaje del cristianismo habla de la igualdad entre ambos sexos. Así, el decano de la Facultad de Educación afirmó: “El cristianismo, a través de las actitudes y palabras de Jesús, representó un decisivo rechazo ancestral menoscabo a la condición femenina que todas las culturas del mundo arrastraban desde los albores de la humanidad”.

Finalmente, Vidal propuso como reto del siglo XXI “lograr que este sólido carácter relacional entre masculinidad y feminidad impregne tanto el ámbito público como el privado. Es preciso construir una familia con padre y una cultura con madre, para hacer compatibles y sostenibles, de una vez y para siempre, producción y procreación, técnica y cuidado, justicia y amor”.

El encuentro, organizado conjuntamente por la UIC y la Universidad Pontificia de la Santa Cruz (PUSC), reunió durante dos jornadas a profesores de la UIC y a los teólogos Paul O’Callaghan y Lluís Clavell, profesores de la PUSC, para intercambiar ideas y profundizar sobre el conocimiento a la luz de la fe y responder a los retos que se plantean desde las diferentes áreas profesionales.

El programa estuvo dividido en dos jornadas, una en el Campus Barcelona y otra en el de Sant Cugat. Ambos días, profesores de la UIC y los dos profesores de la PUSC sugirieron temas relacionados con la fe y la razón desde sus respectivas disciplinas. Tras presentar sus conferencias, se abrió un debate con los ponentes invitados para intentar dar luz a las cuestiones planteadas.

El Encuentro entre Fe y Razón ha sido uno de los actos organizados en la Universidad, que se ha sumado así al Año de la Fe convocado por Benedicto XVI.