
Enrique Banús Presents Awards for European Culture Competition

On Monday, 11 June 2012, Enrique Banús, the Director of the UIC Charlemagne Institute for European Studies (ICEE), presented the awards for the European Culture Competition to four students from Castillo de Estela Secondary School in Amer, Girona.

Xènia Berrio, Ernest Pipó, Marina Adell and Bernat
Rigall were
presented their awards in a ceremony organized by the Amer secondary school.
The ceremony took place during a debate session on the future of Europe, the
euro and the economy with teachers and second- and third-year secondary school students
(in Spain’s ESO and bachillerato programmes).

Around fifty teams from all over Spain took
part in the competition, created with the aim of raising awareness about the
many facets of European culture. With this in mind, the themes included
European music, cinema, history, literature and art.

The competition, organized by the ICEE, has
the support of the European Community Studies Associations (ECSA), of which
Enrique Banús is also President. ECSA-World, made up of nearly 60 associations
from all over the world, is designing an international version for the
finalists of all the phases that make up the competition.