
Entrepreneur Christian Enestrom shares his experience with students from the Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship

On 27 October, Christian Enestrom, co-founder and Managing Director of Hotel Ninjas, conducted a session for students from the Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology about his experience as an entrepreneur.

Hotel Ninjas is a web-based hotel management and apartment rental system. It was purchased last year by Booking.com. Prior to this project, Christian Enestrom also co-founded the company Speeb, a content distribution platform, with which he took part in the first edition of the Wayra programme in Barcelona.

During the conference, Enestrom spoke about the three biggest leadership challenges he had had to face as an entrepreneur. With regards to these challenges, Enestrom explained he had reached the conclusion that, as an entrepreneur, you do not have to know everything. It is more important to forge strategic alliances with people and organisations that build upon your knowledge.

He also explained that it is important to set lofty, ambitious goals, and constantly measure progress. Lastly, he added that the key is to develop a passion for learning, while understanding that different contexts require entrepreneurs to adjust (roles, leadership styles) in different ways.

Christian Enestrom holds an MBE from the IESE Business School and a degree in Business Administration from Di Tella University in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He also worked for Trovit in 2010 and as a management consultant for STRAT Consulting between 2005 and 2009.