
Ernest Pascual Closes Official Master's Programme in Legal, Forensic and Criminological Psychopathology

Ernest Pascual Franquesa, an associate family judge in Barcelona and a professor of Civil Law at the Universitat de Barcelona, gave the speech «Legal Assessment in Psychopathic Expertise in Family Law».

The ceremony was held in the Graduate Hall on the Barcelona campus on Friday, 21 June 2013, and was presided over by Leopoldo Ortega-Monasterio, the Director of the official Master’s Degree Programme in Legal, Forensic and Criminological Psychopathology, and Dr. Carlos de Miranda, the Coordinator of the Master’s programme. Almost fifty people, including students, professors and family members, participated in the event.

The Master’s programme is specifically designed for professionals in mental health and legal, forensic and criminological sciences to expand their understanding of and specialization in the legal aspects of the forensics.

The programme aims to complement the technical and scientific background of the professionals and provide them with a global understanding of the problems in which they will have to intervene. Throughout the course, classes are largely practical and theory is combined with the analysis and discussion of cases.