
ESARQ Lecturer Vicenç Sarrablo Publishes Article on Inflatable Structures in «Arquitectura Viva»

Dr. Vicenç Sarrablo, the Director of the ESARQ School of Architecture Area of Construction, Structures and Facilities and an ESARQ lecturer, has co-authored an article on inflatable architecture with Núria Prieto, who holds a PhD in Architecture and collaborates on the blog Tectónica. The article was published in issue number 163 of the prestigious journal «Arquitectura Viva». The theme of the issue was «Small Spain: Reinventing Practice, 12+1 Experiences».

“Inflatable architecture, referred to as ‘inflatostructures’ by the Spanish architect Prada Poole, invites us to find ways and means to construct alternative spatial expressions to the rigid architectural paths that disappointed us as children.” The article by Sarrablo and Prieto begins, unsurprisingly, with a reference to José Miguel de Prada Poole, the Spanish architect and pioneer of pneumatic structures who won the Spanish National Award for Architecture in 1975. Prada Poole gave a lecture within the framework of the lecture series ESARQ Forums 2014, and was the subject of the doctoral thesis presented by Prieto at the Universidade da Coruña’s ETSAC School of Architecture in March 2014. Vicenç Sarrablo, who worked in conjunction with Buildair to build an inflatable pavilion for the MET Festival exhibition in Barcelona in 2005, was Prieto’s thesis advisor. The thesis, “The Architecture of José Miguel Prada Poole: Theory and Works”, is among the first research studies to examine the works of the renowned Spanish architect.  
