
ESARQ Only Architecture School Selected for 16 Gates of Collserola Competition

The UIC's ESARQ School of Architecture has been selected to compete in the second phase of the competition ?The 16 Gates of Collserola?, whose aim is to promote the area of the Urban Habitat of Barcelona City Council and connect the natural park with the city.

The primary mission of this ambitious project is to rearrange
and connect the city and the natural park area through 16 green corridors
located in the different districts in order to remove the boundaries between the
countryside and Barcelona

Of the 285 teams that applied for the second phase of
the contest, Barcelona City Council selected 112, including the team from the ESARQ.

The ESARQ has established a multidisciplinary group made
up of professors from different degree courses at the UIC in order to create a technical
proposal for green corridor number 3 (the Gate of Sarrià).

The UIC group participating in the competition includes
Sarrablo, a Doctor of Architecture
and the Director of the ESARQ; Pere Vall, a Doctor of Architecture, full professor and member
of the Urban Design and Planning Centre at the ESARQ; Jordi
Roviras, an architect and the
Assistant Director of the ESARQ; Álvaro
Cuéllar, an architect and assistant
professor in the Urban Design and Planning Centre at the ESARQ; Carmen Mendoza, a Doctor of Architecture and a professor in the Urban Planning Area ESARQ-UIC; Carola
Enrich, a landscape
architect and architect at the ESARQ; Jaume Armengou, a Doctor of Civil Engineering and the Vice Rector
for Academic Organization and the Teaching Staff at the UIC; Pau Serra, a Doctor
and Professor of Geography at the UIC; and Eduard
Padró, an archaeologist
and a cultural advisor.

When selecting the teams, the panel of judges took
into account the applicants’ multidisciplinary approach, experience, technical
expertise, awards received and architectural quality.

This competition will help the ESARQ meet its
primary objective, which is to provide innovative solutions for people and train
architects capable of facing the challenges posed by future society