
ESARQ School of Architecture Alumni Talk about Professional Development Since Graduating

Friday, 31 May 2013, saw the fourth edition of the ESARQ Alumni Meeting, which brought together former students from previous School of Architecture graduating classes. Special mention was made of the students from the Sear's second graduating class (2003), who are celebrating the tenth anniversary of their graduation this year.

The event was inaugurated by Dr Vicenç Sarrablo, the incumbent director of the ESARQ School of Architecture. He was followed by students from the first and second graduating classes, who gave a brief talk on their professional development since graduating.

Those speaking included Pepe Gascón, a graduate from the first year, who recently received the 2012 Europe 40 Under 40 International Award. This award, which was given to only two Spanish firms this year, is awarded to the best architectural projects in Europe by architects aged under 40.

Alumnus Ivan Llach, who is a lecturer in Cooperation at the ESARQ School of Architecture, as well as a partner at the firm TAAB6, also spoke about his professional development. At present, he combines his academic research with professional practice on a number of different levels, and since graduating has travelled to a range of countries, including Vietnam, France, Belgium and India.

Talks were also given by alumni Octavio Pérez, Enric Ferrar-nos and Alex Borres from the firm Blur Arquitectura; they recently won first prize in the competition to design an extension for El Masnou sports centre, with a façade that uses the Flexibrick ceramic product patented by ESARQ Director Dr Vicenç Sarrablo.

Alumnus Sonsoles Gámiz talked about her collaboration with a number of architectural firms in Barcelona and her current role as a teacher of technical drawing at the Family Development Centre (FERT).

Dr Alberto T. Estévez, the ESARQ School of Architecture’s first director, drew the talks to a close with some anecdotes concerning the second graduating class, who this year are celebrating the tenth anniversary of their graduation.

The event ended with the awarding of a gift and a commemorative diploma to the alumni of the second graduating class. Faculty members and alumni were then able to continue enjoying each other’s company over refreshments.