
Eugenia Navarro Analyses Changing Landscape of Legal Sector in Recent Years

On Friday 11 October 2013, Eugenia Navarro, a strategic marketing consultant for law firms and professional companies, gave the lecture «What is the structure of the legal sector? Context and types of companies involved in business law», as part of a series of continuing education lectures organized by the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences during the academic year.

During the session, Navarro gave an overview of the current situation of the Spanish legal sector and how it has evolved in recent years. This expert in legal marketing believes that today’s client is much more concerned with the lawyer’s ability to sell his own product. According to Navarro, “The client needs to know why the legal practice he has consulted is the best”.

She went on to highlight the importance of improving a personal brand as a lawyer and she urged students to do so as soon as they left the Faculty. “Today, with the existence of social networks, we have more resources to help us establish a personal brand,” argued Navarro.

Finally, the speaker drew attention to one of the changes that has come about in the recent evolution of the legal sector: “The sales force in a practice is the partners, followed by the lawyers". According to Eugenia Navarro, “The new paradigm means that careers are lengthening; partnership is harder to attain, alternatives are being created, being a generator of business is now valued highly, and there is greater tension between the partners in a practice".

Eugenia Navarro’s lecture is the third in a series of continuing education lectures organized by the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences during the academic year.