
Evaluation of the academic year in the University Faculty Closing Session, with the focus on UIC Barcelona’s 25 years

Alfonso Méndiz presided over his first University Faculty Closing Session as rector of UIC Barcelona, evaluating the academic year. During the event, the appointments and renewals were announced that become effective in the next academic year. Medals were awarded to the people who have been working at the institution for ten years and the programme of events celebrating the University’s 25 years that will be celebrated during the 2022-2023 academic year was announced.

Thursday, 21 July, the Aula Magna hosted the university faculty closing session of the 2021-2022 academic year. The event was presided by the rector, Dr Alfonso Méndiz, for whom it was his first academic year as rector at the head of the institution. Méndiz gave a brief review of the academic year, highlighting the milestones and projects achieved in the area of teaching, research and knowledge transfer, and also the internationalisation of the University.

The 2021-2022 academic year was reflected in the images of a video: beyond the ordinary academic activity, highlighting the celebration of the two honoris causa in October, in which the Dr Veronica Boix-Mansilla and Dr Paul Aaron Levi were invested; the introduction in February of the new clinic, Cuides UIC Barcelona, and the1st International Workshop on Family Support that UIC Barcelona held in May, which hosted more than 500 representatives from 50 countries. The academic year also had its sad moments, such as the war in Ukraine or the death in November of UIC Barcelona’s first rector, Dr Jordi Cervós.

The rector then announced the renewals and appointments to head of the Board of Governors and the Faculty Boards. Dr Cristina Monforte, current vice-rector of the Vice-Rectorate for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer, also takes over the Vice-Rectorate for Academic Development and Faculty, with the support of the current dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Dr Marta Mas, who will be the new deputy to the Vice-Rectorate. Dr Josep Clotet will take over the Vice-Rectorate for Planning and Quality.

As for the Faculty Boards, Victor Echarri will be the new dean of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, who takes over from Josep Lluis Guinovart, who becomes vice dean for the Faculty. Enric Vidal will take over the deanery for the Faculty of Education Sciences, with Marc Grau as vice-dean. Encarna Rodríguez will be the new vice dean for the Faculty of Medicine and director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. Maria Gámiz will be the new assistant director of Basic Sciences and director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology; Manuel Cusí will be the deputy director for the Department of Physiotherapy and Belén Zárate will be the deputy director of the Institute for Advanced Family Studies. As for the Interdisciplinary Centre for Thought, Andrea Rodríguez will be the director, with Miquel Bastons as deputy director and Remei Agulles as deputy director.

The second part of the session was led by Dr Esther Jiménez, vice-rector for the University Community, who was in charge of presenting the activities that will be carried out during the 2022-2023 academic year, marked by the University’s 25th anniversary, which will begin with the Holy Mass of Thanksgiving on 2 October at the Basilica of the Sagrada Familia, the day on which the University was officially created.

Finally, the manager, Josep M Torné, gave figures on the progress and evolution of the University, and spoke about the investments the University is making. The manager focused on explaining some of the projects in which the University is involved, among which Naos was highlighted, and that the pre-project phase was completed this academic year.

After the evaluation of the academic year, and as is tradition in all the university faculty closing sessions, the secretary general, Belén Castro, recognised the people who have worked in the institution for ten years, to whom a medal was awarded in recognition of their involvement and commitment.

The rector closed the event with a few words of thanks to all the teaching and administration staff and the service staff for all the work done during this intense academic year, and wished everyone a good summer.