
Experts Take Part in Debate at the UIC on Political Leadership

What qualities should a good leader have? Do politicians lack leadership qualities these days? Why is there a lack of interest in politics today? These were some of the questions addressed by various experts in a debate held at the UIC on Friday, 16 March 2012.

Miquel Iceta, the parliamentary spokesperson for
the PSC,
Joaquim Llimona, the Director of International
Relations for Barcelona City Council, and UIC professors
Mireia Tintoré and Montserrat Nebrera took part in a debate held at the UIC
on Friday, 16 March 2012. The debate concerned political leadership and
addressed the subject from different perspectives: historical, international,
local and regulatory.

the session, there was a consensus on the virtues that true leaders should
have. These included ethics (which give them credibility), logic (which help them
deal with problems) and charisma (which allows them to communicate their message).
What should we expect from leaders? According to the speakers, leaders should
be genuine, be able to accept criticism, take on responsibility, be coherent
and persistent in order to gain followers, and they should put the interests of
the public before their own. The speakers also concluded that true leaders
should be intelligent and surround themselves with a good team that will not
only help them, but make up for their weaknesses.