
Faculty of Communication Trains Students to Successfully Manager Their Careers

Teresa Baró, a philologist and specialist in communication, spoke on Tuesday, 7 February 2012, in the first session of the non-verbal communication workshop organized by the UIC Training, Counselling and Coaching Office. Students in the Audiovisual Communication programme attended the workshop with the aim of acquiring knowledge and skills that will allow them to successfully enter the job market.

The title of the first
session was "How to plan your public image through non-verbal
communication". It was led by communication specialist Teresa Baró.

session lasted for two hours. In the first, Baró explained the importance of
controlling non-verbal language based on the message to be transmitted. In the
second, she spoke about the importance of creating a personal brand: its
meaning, the impact it should have and the message it communicates.

encouraged the participants to "acquire many skills so you have more
chances in the future". She
also pointed out the importance of building a personal marketing plan to learn
to be considered an attractive candidate in the job market.

course is made up of several sessions that address topics such as adapting
communication to the medium and different methods for moving from unconscious
to conscious body language.

similar course, "Persuasive Communication", will be given on 10 and 17 February 2012 for
students in the Journalism degree programme.

The UIC Training,
Counselling and Coaching Office has organized these workshops with the aim of
completing  students' university training
so they acquire the skills they will need to face the job market and begin
their professional careers.