
The Faculty of Dentistry celebrates the 8th edition of the photography competition for Saint Apollonia Day

For the feast of Santa Apollonia, patron saint of dentists, on February 9, the School of Dentistry held a new edition of its now traditional photography competition open to students, teachers, and Faculty staff members. More than 157 people participated in the eighth edition of the competition, presenting their photographs in the Dental category, aimed at students and teachers, and in the free category, open to all Faculty staff.

The awards ceremony, presented by Dr Sandra Fernández, institutional vice-dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, was held in virtual format on this occasion and the winners of the competition were announced for each category.

In the dental photograph category, which received 51 entries, first prize was awarded to Tommaso Caivano with his image called "Drop by Drop", and his prize were some Q-Optics Through-The-Lens magnifying glasses by Sanhigia. Second prize was awarded to Ricardo Palacios, who won a Bora LED turbine from BienAir for his photograph “In every drop there’s a whole new world”.

In the free category, which received 106 entries, first prize went to Esteban Ferran with his photograph called “Sant Pol de Mar perspectiva anónima” (An Anonymous View of Sant Pol de Mar), for which he won a Amazfit GTS smartwatch. In this same category, Anita Cardozo won second prize with her image entitled “Normal Abnormalities” and she won a Google Home smart speaker.


All the photographs entered into the competition can be viewed here.

Amb motiu de la festivitat de santa Apol·lònia, patrona dels odontòlegs, el 9 de febrer la Facultat d’Odontologia va celebrar una nova edició del concurs fotogràfic obert a alumnes, docents i personal de la Facultat. Més de 157 persones van participar en la vuitena edició del concurs, presentant les seves fotografies en la categoria Dental, dirigida a alumnes i professors, i en la categoria Lliure, oberta a tot el personal de la Facultat.

La sessió de lliurament de premis, conduïda per la Dra. Sandra Fernández, vicedegana Institucional de la Facultat, es va fer en aquesta ocasió en format virtual i s’hi van donar a conèixer els guanyadors del concurs en cada categoria.

En la categoria de fotos odontològiques, que va tenir 51 propostes, el primer premi va ser per a Tommaso Caivano per la seva obra “Drop by Drop”, i va obtenir unes lupes Q-Optics Through-the-Lens de Sanhigía. El segon premi va ser per a Ricardo Palacios, que va aconseguir una turbina Bora Led de Bien Air per la seva fotografia “In every drop there’s a whole new world”.

D’altra banda, en la categoria Lliure, que va rebre 106 propostes, el primer premi va recaure en Esteban Ferran per la fotografia “Sant Pol de Mar perspectiva anònima”, amb la qual es va emportar un smartwatch Amazfit GTS. En aquesta mateixa categoria, Anita Cardozo va obtenir el segon premi amb l’obra “Normal abnormalities” i va aconseguir un altaveu intel·ligent Google Home.

Totes les obres presentades en el concurs es poden veure aquí.