
The Faculty of Dentistry organises a dentistry training course for students

The event was held in collaboration with the College of Dentistry and Stomatologists of Catalonia and the Spanish Society of Gerodontology

The Geriatric Dentistry area in the Faculty of Dentistry recently gave a course called “Demographic Reality: Geriatric Dentistry” for all professionals who are members of the Official College of Odontologists and Stomatologists of Catalonia (COEC). This event included speakers such as Dr Belisa Olmo, Dr Manuel Ribera, Dr Victor Gil, Dr Gloria de Jaureguiza and Dr Ruth Calleja, all of them lecturers from the Geriatric Dentistry Area at UIC Barcelona. 

During the course, organised in cooperation with the Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Catalonia and the Spanish Society of Gerodontology, the experts provided visibility to their area for members through presentations focused on the knowledge required for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the corresponding abnormalities and diseases in elderly patient; to identify and describe the etiological and risk agents of oral diseases in these patients. They also focused on knowledge about the different groups of older people according to their abilities, their degree of dependence, their social environment and their place of residence so they can offer them the most appropriate treatment in each situation.

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