
Faculty of Dentistry Travels to Kuwait to Present Academic Programmes

On Sunday and Monday, 14-15 April 2013, the UIC Faculty of Dentistry travelled to Kuwait in order to present and accredit its Bachelor's Degree programme and postgraduate programmes in Kuwait.

Dr. Lluís Giner, the Dean of the UIC Faculty of Dentistry, and Joan Vidal, the Manager of the faculty and the University Dental Clinic (CUO), met with Nayf Al-Hajraf, the Kuwaiti Minister of Education; Dr. Mohamed Al-Haifi, the Kuwaiti Minister of Health; Dr. Ahme Asad, the President of the Kuwait Dental Association; and Dr. Jawad M. Behbehani, the Dean of the Kuwait University Faculty of Dentistry.

As part of the visit, two members of the UIC Faculty of Dentistry also spoke at the Kuwait Dental Association conference. Dr. Miguel Roig, the Head of the Restoration Area, gave the lecture “Treatment Planning of Severely Damaged Teeth: A Conservative Approach” and Dr. Mahar Al-Atari, the Director of the Regenerative Medicine Laboratory, gave the lecture “Stem Cells".

At the same conference, the faculty was also represented at an information stand where participants could learn about the Bachelor's Degree programme and postgraduate programmes offered by the faculty, as well the research carried out there.